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Precautions of thiourea dioxide


Precautions of thiourea dioxide:

If proper measures are taken to avoid heat, moisture and external contamination, the material could maintain stability for a long time. In handling the material, please observe the following precautions:

Store in dry and clean warehouse with good ventilation conditions and room temperature below 30℃. Keep the product away from kindling material, heat sources and direct sunshine. Pay attention to moisture and rain prevention measures. Maintain the containers closed, and ensure the label is intact and available. Handle with care in the loading and unloading process to prevent damage of package and containers. Please pay attention to maintain the normal pressure relief of the container. Transportation should not be arranged in rainy days. The product shall be stored separately with flammable or combustible materials, reducing agent, sulfur, phosphorus, etc.

As a reducing agent, thiourea dioxide shall keep away from oxidants like chlorine based bleach, percarbonic acid soda, peroxysulphate, etc. The reaction will be accelerated if contacting with water.

After contacting with steam tube, welding park, electric heater and other heat sources, it will generate irritative odor and decompose. Friction of the material will generate heat transmission, which would be very dangerous. Please pay attention to avoid such situation. The heat generated from the decomposition will further decomposition.

Thiourea dioxide shall not be placed back to the original package after take-out or leakage. Contamination of dirty material, iron rust, moisture and other pollutant will accelerate its decomposition. The leaked material shall be dissolved with massive water.

Operators of thiourea dioxide shall wear rubber gloves and masks. Although the material is harmless to the human body, persons with allergic constitution may suffer eczema. After exposure, please thoroughly clean the exposed skin with water.

In handling or storing products or water solution of thiourea dioxide, plastic containers are the most suitable containers. Stainless steel, ceramic and glass containers could also be used. In the storage process, the water solution of thiourea dioxide will decompose slowly and generate sulfuric acid. At the same time, the pH value will gradually decrease. Please avoid using iron, copper and aluminum containers to store the material.

Safety instructions: S24/25: avoid skin and eye contact.

Marks of dangerous goods: Xn: hazardous substance

Hazard category code: R22: harmful if swallowing.

R36/37/38: irritative to eyes, respiratory tract and skin.