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Standard of FAS-pulp bleaching agent


I. Health Hazards

Exposure Routes: Inhalation, ingestion and skin absorption

Health hazards: repeated exposure to this product may restrain the function of thyroid gland and blood-forming organs. It may lead to allergic reaction. Inhalation of powder of this product may result in irritation of the respiratory tract, discomfort of chest, cough, etc. It is irritative to eyes. Oral administration may irritate the gastrointestinal tract.

Chronic effect: long-term exposure may lead to headache, drowsiness, weakness, pale face, facial puffiness, reduced basic metabolism, reduced white cells, etc. The product may damage the skin, and result in skin itch, sweaty palms, dermatitis, rhagadia, etc.

II. Toxicological Data and Environmental Behaviors

Toxicity: the toxicity is very low.

Irritability: rabbit through eye contact: 2mg, severe irritation. Open skin irritation test on rabbit: 10mg/(24 hours), severe irritation.

Mutagenicity: Microbial mutagenesis: salmonella typhimurium 150ug/皿; Wine yeast 52600umol/L.

Reproductive Toxicity: lower limit of intoxication for oral exposure of rat (TDL0): 40mg/kg (administration for one day after pregnancy), have impact on the central nervous system, muscle and skeletal system of the fetal rat.

Carcinogenicity: IARC carcinogenicity comments: positive reactions of animals.

Hazardous characteristics: combustible after encountering with open flame and high heat. It may could generate strong reaction with oxidant. The material decomposes after being heated to release toxic gases like oxides of nitrogen and sulfur.

Combustion (decomposition) products: oxides of nitrogen and sulphur oxides.